
geohydlogo     Funding:ONEMA

Principal Investigator
Daniel Pierre – infos@geo-hyd.com

Geo-Hyd is a consultancy firm providing services in computing & Information systems applied to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It has about thirty collaborators, including scientists in agronomy, geology, computer science and GIS. The main references of Géo-Hyd are the French Basin Agencies and transboundary basin authority. Since the year 2000, Géo-Hyd has been involved in the master plans of the Loire-Brittany and Seine-Normandy Basins. This investment goes from the development of monitoring tools and GIS system to IWRM studies such as the realization of numerous Resources Development and Management Plans of river basins. Geo-Hyd is presently an expert for ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) in order to establish the French Water Evaluation System (SEEE) in application of the European Water Framework Directive (EC/2000/60) and the National Water Information System (SIE).